Saturday, November 20, 2010

November 20 - Drywall and attic

In this post you can see the drywall progress and some shots of the new portion of the attic

 Drywall going up in the dining room. this view is through the dining room to the back windows in the new living room.
 Here are stacks of the new flooring to go in. Lots of hardwood floor in the plan (everywhere on both floors save two bathrooms).
 Another stack of the white oak - we thought it was red oak in the existing house, but upon closer inspection it is white oak. Not sure what difference that makes, but good to know anyway!

Here is the attic space over the new addition. Since the HVAC system tok up so much of the existing space, it is great to get an additional large are to store the huge quantities of holiday decorations we possess.

Another shot of the new attic space. It is not very tall (about 3 feet in the midle), but will serve our purposes well.

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