Monday, November 29, 2010

November 29 - Flooring and interior trim

Turns out that when you use your camera to take pictures of dusty places, the lens gets dusty. Shouldn't be a surprise, but it was. So sorry in advance for some dusty pics in this post.
 First dusty shot: the new floors go into the living room. They aren't quite done here - the red paper on the left is the stuff they put underneath the floor as it goes down - but it is a good shot of what the floor grain and wood will look like.
 Another view the other way. They have a lot of the floor in upstairs as well, but since I took these after work, and it is late November in DC, it gets to dark to take a lot of shots (there are still not a lot of lights installed).
 Here is the closet french door in the "blue" guest room (soon to be child #2's room - hopefully everyone reading this knows about the second child on the way. If not, ask Monica). We opted for a different trim from the existing house that is a little nicer looking (but not that much more $).
 Here is a good view of the trim as laid out around the windows. We opted for a "picture frame" treatment around the windows - no window sill - it is a little more modern, but is a very clean look that we really like. This window is the one over the tub in the master bath. The green board on the walls is the moisture-resistant drywall - that is certainly not the final color - don't worry.

 Another window in the master bath. this is a better shot of the final trim choice.

This is the window in the kitchen. We opted for a traditional sill here because it will be used to house herbs and such. We replaced the single window in this space with a wider double window to allow more light into the kitchen area. We also had them push the window back as far as they could toward the outside of the house to allow for a realy big (9 or 10 inch) sill area.

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