Friday, September 10, 2010

Days 38 Second floor wall framing

This week is really moving fast. I thought I had time to catch up over the weekend but never got a chance to get to the computer, so I am only now finishing up the post from the 10th (I am posting this on the 14th)
The pace continues to be very brisk. The only slow down that we have had so far is the addition of the steel beam that took a while to install, but once that was in, the walls starting going up very quickly.

Here is the view from the street side down the west side of the house. You can see the short windows that will be over the built in book cases in the first floor living room and the addition of the second floor. In order of the windows shown from front to back it goes: second window in the additional space in Abby's room (to be guest room), window in my closet, window in toilet room, window in master bathroom.

A quick note inside: they pulled back the wall in the existing living room to open the space between the kitchen and new dining room.

On to the big stuff... Here is the second floor walls in place. The window on the left is the one in the master bedroom, the middle hole is space for a french door in the master suite and the one to the right is the window over the tub in the bathroom.

Another view from the other side of the yard.

A view straight on to the back of the house. As you can see, the level from the back door to the grade of the back yard is much closer than in the old house. That will really help tie the deck into the backyard.

A view back toward the street down the west side of the house. If it looks like the addition wall is taller than the wall on the existing house, it does so because it is taller. The master suite addition will have taller ceilings than the existing second floor. Not a huge expense and will really make the master suite nice.

West wall from the inside. These were taken out of the window that was in what was Abby's room. There was a huge gap in the floor that they left to be able to tear out the rear wall that made getting out on the second floor deck pretty precarious, so I hope you forgive the photos taken from a place of greater safety.

Straight out the back of the addition.

Across to the east side of the addition. The two windows on the left are on either side of the bed and the one on the right will be in Monica's closet.

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